the southfield estates residents association

Annual Dues

Pay Your Annual Association Dues Online


Our Association Dues

SRA Association dues are critical to maintaining the designers and developers intention in the creation of our community. Association dues are crucial to the upkeep and maintenance of the common areas , required maintenance of signage and infrastructure at the main entrances to the Southfield community and dues are the the only regular source of income your residents association has.  The long term preservation of our community and neighborhood relies on these minor annual dues. 


Now you can Pay Dues Online!

  All Southfield residents can now safely and easily pay the association annual dues online by clicking the 'dues' button below. Its a easy way to pay your dues without risking either a paper cut from the envelope or that irritating tasting glue on stamps.. and your helping to counter the de-forestation of our planet :)  


Note: If you are paying dues from previous years there are some optional previous years selections available.  If you have a question or you don't see the year you wish to apply a payment too, please reach out so we can assist you.


Please Note : When paying annual dues online a convenience fee of $5.00 is included in the total amount due. This fee is to cover online payment processing costs. 


Click below to Pay Association Dues Online! 


Southfield Residents Association Dues

Southfield Residents Association Dues


Please Note : Southfield Residents Association annual dues are 45.00 and are due upon the receipt of the bill usually sent out in the first quarter of the year. Previous years dues which are unpaid as of 2023 are accessed interest on the overdue amount.

Online Payments: When paying online a convenience fee of 5.00 is included in the annual amount due. This fee covers the online payment processing costs. 

Thank You for your continued support! 

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