May 2017 SRA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for May 17th 2017
Present: Dennis Greeley, Wendy Herren, Amber Camelio, Paul Gogan, Fred Anderson, John Lamb
Absent: Vanessa Baker, Mike Baker, Tim Seifert, Loren Herren, Joe Camelio
Others in attendance: Mike Kaupp from Amidon Woodcarving
Date: May 17th 2017
Location: 29 Moon CompassSandwich Ma
Next meeting: September13th , 2017 6:30PM
Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Dennis Greely
1. Community Signage:
Prior to the meeting attendees from the board examined the street sign at the intersection of Bourne Hay & moon compass to evaluate the results of the street sign restoration done by Mike Kaupp and Amidon woodcarving.
Fred introduced Mike to the board members in attendance and gives overview of community signage refresh project as agreed-upon by members.Mike K. Reviews the work completed on the first sign post and answers questions regarding same.
Mike K. Is one of the three possible vendors queried for the community signage project.
Mike indicates that after reviewing the community signage in question he estimates the majority of the signage requires refurbish work and not all replacement work.
Mike k describes post base protection options and removal of deteriorating caulking proposing to remove loose caulking where needed.
Mike K describes the requirement to remove the large Southfield estates sign at the major entryways to be refurbished that the damage on wood carving shop. Larger sign requires controlled environment for application of the gold-leaf in the signage.
Mike K describes the process and estimate of project duration being approximately three weeks and describes the option to schedule the maintenance review annually or biannually with no contractual requirement.
Mike Kaye indicates no long lead time required and availability to start the project.
No street signs will need to be temporarily replaced during the refresh project as the street signs will not need be removed.
Board reviewed the 3 quotes received by the 3 vendors, Peach Signs, Stewart Painting, and Amidon Woodcarving.
Based on the quotes John moves to award the job for the signage project to Amidon Woodcarving, the move is seconded and carried.
Fred will notify Amidon Woodcarving and determine payment terms.
2. SRA Community Website
Paul Gogan updates the board on the newly created SRA website, site is up and publically available.
Paul relates the SRA site validation of the dues payment functionality still required.
Paul describes the sections and functions available on the site currently.
Paul request board consider contribution to the SRA web site sections which still require updates.
Site sections requiring updating still are FAQs, Blog, Community History, community resources, board bios
Board discusses some options for the community resources , child sitting services, community family acknowledgements
Paul shares URL and email address to be used for SRA contact via/re: the SRA site.
3. Neighborhood Yard Sale
Board discusses the 2017 Neighborhood Yard Sale
Date for the 2017 yard sale set for June 24th & June 25th 9AM – 3PM
Board agrees on the advertising campaign details
Fred to reach out to Cape Cod Times
Paul to update SRA site and run Craig’s list entry
Wendy to update Facebook community yard sale
Amber / Dennis/ Fred on signage
Board discusses long term solution to yard sale signs
Board agrees to continue discussions on yard sale signage
Board agrees to supply balloons for use by yard sale participants
4. Neighborhood Fall Social
Board agrees to continue discussion on 2017 Fall Social Event
Late Summer / Early Fall ( Octoberfest ) suggested .. no final determination made
5. SRA Meeting Schedules
Board agrees to set next SRA board meeting @ September 13th 2017 / 6:30
Board agrees to schedule Annual meeting and SRA Officer Elections for November 2017
Nov 8th set as first option / Nov 15th set as second option
Amber will check with Holly Ridge to get scheduling finalized
6. SRA Meeting Closing
Board agrees to postpone review of balance of the business items
Dennis moves to adjourn the meeting , move seconded and carried
7. Meeting adjourned @ 8:00 PM