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Thats a Good Sign!

After 22 years of service to our community most of the street signs in Southfield and the larger signs at the main entrances are in desperate need of repair or replacement. We are currently soliciting quotes from area tradesman for replacement and painting to bring the signage back up to speed. 

 The matter was one of the major topics of that last board meeting, and the board moved to conduct research on the costs and estimated timelines of the project. One board member volunteered to gather the 3-4 requested quotes and update the board during the next SRA board meeting.

Professional signage and overall appearance of the common areas of our community is major differentiation between Southfield and other communities when home buyers and realtors are evaluating Southfield homes for sale. " Landscape design and clean clear signage can make a world of difference in a potential buyers mind." , responded Realtor Sally OMally, when asked about the impact of this proposed investment. " In this market , a buyer wants to know that a home will retain its value, and a home in a nice maintained neighborhood, with an engaged community,  wins out the majority of the time." 

The project is expected to run over a year , as there is significant portion of the annual budget involved in the projects completion. More news will be available soon! Once the board meets to consider the collected quotes.